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About The Trip

Camp Kesher Day 3

Meira July 28, 2021

Happy Tuesday! Today was filled with unique activities and new programming. The morning started as usual with bunk and cabin activities (the baking/cooking club made banana cake and soup for the whole camp)! In the afternoon, we utilized the large and open campus here at Black Lake. We brought in a local paintball company who led exciting games between the divisions. At first some of the younger campers seemed apprehensive but as soon as they tried it, they really enjoyed. The campers emerged full of paint as well as smiles. The games were thrilling and fun was had by all.

At night, we announced a new program – our Big Sister/Little Sister, Big Brother/ Little Brother program.” The younger campers were paired up with the older ones in order to create a more conducive environment to building a kesher (connection) as much as possible. The first part of the program included a rapid-fire question and answer questions/get to know you game, followed by cupcake wars and then night swim and open gym.  The day ended with happy campers ready for bed. We’re looking forward to another amazing day tomorrow!