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About The Trip

Camp Kesher Day 4

Meira July 29, 2021

What a fun day! From the morning, campers were busy at activities. Many of them finished up their club projects. Just walking around and seeing their proud faces as they showed off their artwork, woodworking, sports or survival skills, was extremely meaningful, 

We kicked off lunch with a ‘wild west’ pinata activity and ate the delicious soup from cooking club (along with pizza bagels, fries and a huge salad bar). We announced that “Bunk Night” was coming and each bunk had to prepare a skit or a rap. And what a great job they did. Of course, they really enjoyed the counselor skit, as each counselor dressed up as a peer.

The oldest division then changed into pajamas and headed to the bonfire. Each camper was asked to share something nice about a peer or staff and they had the nicest things to say – “x was so nice to me because they gave me a towel when I didn’t have one,” or “I truly appreciate my counselors who do so much for us.” They then continued to the caravans where they slept the night (don’t worry, there are bunk beds in the caravans).

The campers once again went to bed tired and content.