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About The Trip

Camp Kesher Day 7

Meira August 1, 2021

Wow! Our first Shabbat at Camp Kesher was a blast. Campers had 25 hours full of activities (don’t worry, they slept too!), notably Jewpardy, improv games, and our Shabbos carnival. We ran a gaga tournament, played in the game room and had a board game round robin. We all enjoyed the yummy food that the campers prepared on Friday, giving credit after each dish to those who prepared it. The campers attended an ‘Ask the Rabbi’ session by Rabbi Spivak where they were able to ask any question they ever had on Judaism.  We closed out Shabbat with ebbing (a time of meaningful singing an a Jewish story), followed by a glow in the dark havdallah and dancing. The video of the havdallah dancing will be posted soon on social media. After Shabbat, the campers enjoyed hot pretzels as they finished their packing their bags. Tomorrow morning we head out on our 2-day trip and are excited for the adventure ahead. If you do not receive a blogpost tomorrow night, it is because of limited reception. 

Overall, everyone had a really fun time and we can’t wait for next Shabbat!