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About The Trip

Camp Kesher 2023 Registration is Live! Early Bird, Referral and Flight Discounts Available!

Dear Parents,

I am excited to announce that registration for camp is officially open. Our dates for summer 2023 is July 23-August 9th and camp will be in the same locations as last year! We are gearing up for an incredible summer and are adding additional trips for our expanding teen program (post 8th and 9th grade)! Registration is done at and you can watch our most recent video there.

As always, I am looking to run several info sessions for your communities – in person or on zoom. I’d so appreciate if you would consider hosting one or connecting me to the right people in your area. Camp is growing each year but it is only due to your partnership and help!

Please note a few discounts this year:

1. We are offering an early bird discount of $100 for those who register by October 31st.

2. If you children fly to camp, book their tickets by February 1, 2023, to receive an additional $100 discount to offset flight costs (proof of the ticket purchase must be presented by Feb 1/cannot be used with tickets bought on mileage). 

3. We are continuing our Camp Kesher referral program. There is a $100 discount for each new family you refer to camp. This discount will be applied to all of your kids registering for camp (if you bring in one new family, and you have one child registered, you save $100. If you refer 2 families and you have 2 children registered, you save $200 for each of your kids)… Please email to let us know who you are referring so we can properly credit you.

As always, please let me know how we can make your camp experience most positive.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.


503 757 3037

Save money for Camp Kesher 2023


Although we do not have dates yet for next summer (we are working on them), I want to encourage you to take advantage of the pre-registration discounts. NCSY offers both a pre-registration and an early bird discount. By filling out a short form and pre-registering, you are not making ANY commitment. Rather, you are just demonstrating potential interest. If you pre-register and eventually register for camp by the early bird date, you will receive the maximum discount. Scholarships are available based on need as always.

Here’s the site:

Thanks and Shabbat Shalom



Covid in camp

Hi All,

I just wanted to let you know that we have had some positive Covid cases in camp. We are consulting with our medical director and are isolating the patients as per CDC recommendations. We have reached out to any parents whose kids have Covid so no need to worry if you weren’t called. 



Camp Kesher Day 9 and 10

Yesterday was incredible. We started activities on the new campus, where the temperature is about 70 degrees. Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Lower Ropes Course, Pickleball, Sand Volleyball, Wave Jumping, Basketball, Fitness, Drama, Book Club and Crafting are just some of the awesome activities being offered. I personally am appreciating the grounds, and loved seeing a family of deer walk by.

We ended the day with a bonfire on the beach, followed by some s’mores and a Jewish story. The campers went to sleep happy and tired.

Today started off beautifully. Activities continued as usual, with the campers getting acclimated to the large campus. Night activity was swimming in an indoor pool, followed by COLOR WAR breakout!!! (Color War is a camp wide Maccabia style competition).

I can’t wait to watch the game unfold tomorrow


Camp Kesher Day 8!

Today was moving day, the day we begin to move from our first camp to our second. Due to the extreme heat, we cancelled our hike at Beacon Rock State Park and instead headed to an air conditioned arcade. We barbecued for dinner and then headed out to the campsite once temperatures had already dropped. Campers are currently pitching their tents and getting ready for some s’mores and a fun night ahead.

Looking forward to part 2 of the adventure tomorrow.


Camp Kesher Day 5, 6 and 7!

Dear Parents,

I wanted to apologize for not writing on Thursday night. I know how much you appreciate the updates.

Thursday was trip day! D1 and D2 went to the Sky Zone Trampoline Park and D3 went to the Ape Caves where they hiked in the dark caves with flashlights. Both groups had an incredible time.

Friday morning was spent getting ready for Shabbat, braiding challah and making soup and cookies. We then began our Big Sister/Little Sister and Big Brother/Little Brother program where the pairs decorated cool hats together. We lit candles, sang songs and ate delicious food.

Today continued with an Israel Fair, The Priorities Game, Board Games and Shabbat Clubs. We concluded Shabbos with a glow stick filled Havdallah and a great energy (pictures posted soon).

We have decided to change our plans for tomorrow due to another hot day. We are no longer going to do a hike, and instead will spend most of the day indoors. Only then, will we head out to the campground, as temperatures drop. 

Looking forward to an incredible trip.


Camp Kesher Day 5, 6 and 7!

Dear Parents,

I wanted to apologize for not writing on Thursday night. I know how much you appreciate the updates.

Thursday was trip day! D1 and D2 went to the Sky Zone Trampoline Park and D3 went to the Ape Caves where they hiked in the dark caves with flashlights. Both groups had an incredible time.

Friday morning was spent getting ready for Shabbat, braiding challah and making soup and cookies. We then began our Big Sister/Little Sister and Big Brother/Little Brother program where the pairs decorated cool hats together. We lit candles, sang songs and ate delicious food.

Today continued with an Israel Fair, The Priorities Game, Board Games and Shabbat Clubs. We concluded Shabbos with a glow stick filled Havdallah and a great energy (pictures posted soon).

We have decided to change our plans for tomorrow due to another hot day. We are no longer going to do a hike, and instead will spend most of the day indoors. Only then, will we head out to the campground, as temperatures drop. 

Looking forward to an incredible trip.


Camp Kesher Day 4!

Smiling campers make the summer worthwhile.

The day was jam packed as usual with exciting club and cabin activities. Meals in the dining room have turned into karaoke events with all the campers singing their favorite Disney movie theme songs. 

Tonight was Bunk Night, where each bunk performed a comedy skit. The energy was high and you could feel the excitement in the room. When the younger campers left to shower and sleep, D3, our teen division, had an Israeli themed Cake Wars competition. 

And shh…tomorrow morning during breakfast we will be announcing some exciting trips. Stay tuned for more info.



Camp Kesher Day 3!

What an incredible day at Camp Kesher. We opened strong with an awesome ‘Jew Jitsu’ program, followed by Archery Tag and Kanjam. Lunch was well received – mac n’ cheese, fish sticks and a yummy salad bar. We added ice cream as an option in canteen to help cool off from the heat. After a full day of club activities, the campers enjoyed over 200 ft of bounce house obstacle courses. We added sprinklers and hoses, in addition to the the hundreds of gallons of ice water that was served. 

The kids went to bed smiling and happy. Can’t wait for tomorrow! Please continue to check out our pictures on Instagram and Facebook.


Camp Kesher Day 2!

Wow! What a day. Executing 30 different activities wasn’t easy but it was definitely worth it. Here’s a short sum up:

Most quoted line of the day: “Drink Water” (we made sure to keep the kids consistently hydrated with ice water), followed by “Yes, you need your water bottle.”

Camper’s favorite activities included: Power Walking, Pickle Making, Volleyball and Baking!

How we make S’mores at Camp Kesher: With cookies from the Baking Club, of course!

Number of pounds of pasta we eat at an average meal: 15

Popular activity not on the schedule: Playground time.

Average time waiting at the Canteen: 3 minutes

What we are looking forward to next: A surprise coming tomorrow!

The campers are smiling, the sun is shining – what could be better? I can’t wait for another day tomorrow.

Don’t forget to check out our pictures on the Camp Kesher NCSY instagram and FB pages.

